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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Ashley's Santa List

This year Ryan and I decided to not to gifts, but will still do stocking stuffers. We thought that a trip would be something more exciting than buying nonsense gifts. And I’m super excited about this. I would rather cherish the times he and I get to spend together and with our families. I do LOVE buying gifts for other people/family members, though. Especially the kids!

Here are a few of the things I’ve been eyeing recently… 


Leather tote // I’ve been eyeing this bag for many years now. It would be a great update to my current tote!

Phone Case // My current case is broken on the side where the bumper is. I thought this would be great for all seasons. 

Stationery // I know this weird because it’s 2017, but I really enjoy sending mail. This set is adorable (with monogramming, of course!)

Tee // This encouraging Walk In Love Tee is perfect with jeans or at home lounging with leggings. 

Prayer Journal // I love this not only for prayer growth that Val Marie provides… but also for writing down your prayers. You can go back to see all your answered prayers!

Cookbook// I’ve been wanting these cookbooks all year. If you haven’t read Danielle Walker’s blog, you should! 

What are some of your things on your wish list… 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016


Daily we walk into battlefield of comparison. From perfect lives posed Instagram pictures to thoroughly worded Facebook posts, we seem to compare our worst moments to the apparent “perfect” moments of others. We contemplate what our friends and other women are doing through social media and underestimate all of the work God is doing in our hearts. Without being aware of it, we complain to God that He is doing more work in “her” life, and we oversee our own calling. Instead we dwell on what “she” is doing. With all of these distractions, we look at others stories God has written for “her” and lust over it more than what He is planning for ourselves.

While scrolling through social media the other day, I realized I had this mouse running on a wheel through my head while going through each post. “Wow, she is so creative – I wish I could think of that.” “Her wording to that post is spot-on!” “She lives the perfect life!” “Her family is so perfect.” The similar word in all of these complaints was “she/her.” My heart is fast to compare but even faster when I forgot my own calling. Social media is sometimes displayed in the wrong manner rather than hearing the lies in our head telling ourselves that I am not enough.

Trying to always be someone we weren’t created to be is like trying to fit a Christmas tree in its original box. The tree will never be able to fit perfectly in the box, as many times as you try. If I tried squeezing the tree into the box, I would make the box budge out and take away the perfect shape it was made to have. Trying to get the tree back into the box is pointless, just like we try to do when we envy to be “just like her.” God didn’t make us to be the same as the person living next to you. We are meant to be the image of God! He has imprinted His unique thumbprints on each of our lives with that one purpose. Trying to be someone else will never bring the grace and joy God created us to have within Jesus!

When looking at the different women in the Bible, you see a variety of women who had different personalities, purposes, passions, and callings. They all came from different backgrounds, lived in different environments, and God wrote those stories differently for each women. Just like with Eve, God created every woman on this Earth to be the reflection of His image and to live for his grace and glory. In Genesis 1, God finished painting the brushstrokes of His masterpiece by creating humanity. Genesis 5:1-2 “this is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him; Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.” The term “God created” means that we were created in His own image in the “likeness of God.” We are all shaped in God’s own image, but we are not all the same. We look upon our Creator by being that unique woman He created us to be.

A couple of weekends ago I went on a long run, since the weather in Texas was finally not scorching. I decided to take a different route than normal and realized there were acorns everywhere! As I walked around picking up the acorns, one thing came to mind – no acorn is the same. Some didn’t have the tops, some were more colorful, some were larger, and others were grouped together on one branch. These acorns made me think of how God created us with our own individual story to tell.

God used those acorns to remind me that I will never reach His purpose for my life when trying to be like women on social media. Jesus never said compare yourself to others, He wanted us to imitate Christ as who is our Savior (1 Corinthians 4:6). No one wants to miss there calling by trying to be like “she” rather than “He.” Our friends and peers are created with a purpose made by Him for His grace and glory. It will look completely different than the person sitting next to you, but as we follow Him faithfully and do what He has set for us to do, we will start seeing those comparisons being removed and start being cheerful for one another.

God has called each unique individual to do work for His kingdom. Just like I said above He has imprinted His unique thumbprints as a reflection on His dreams for you, your home and your work. As we are all women with passion, desire, and yearning, take a deep breath and remember that God has place for His glory in your heart. Try to not focus on the big things, be trusting in the smaller things He has placed right in front of you. You weren’t made to do what “she” does, but made to glorify Jesus in your own unique way.

Life is not “doing” for God or about becoming someone else… it’s about knowing Him and glorifying Him with our minds, bodies, and souls. It always seems better to look at what God has done for you yourself rather than what “she” is doing. Set your gaze upon Jesus Christ and be faithful to what He has called for you to do. We are all created to live for Him and to love one another.

“Turn your eyes from looking at worthless things; and give me life in your ways” Proverbs 119:37.

Friday, October 7, 2016

DIFF EyeWear

DIFF Eyewear is the perfect eye-catching accessory to add to any outfit. I have been a fan of DIFF Eyewear for a while now, but every time I get the email that my favorite pair is back in stock, I still end up missing out on them. NOT THIS TIME! I finally got mine in the mail (picture below) and I seriously LOVEEEE them! They have so many different colors of lenses and frames to choose from. Even though I’ve only had them for 2 weeks, every time I wear them people ask where they are from.

Did I mention how reasonable the prices are? Well, they are great, especially when you aren’t wanting to spend hundreds of dollars. If you sign up on their email list, you receive a 15% off coupon making the sunnies even cheaper. These would be a great gift for not only women but men as well.

This isn’t the only reason I have fallen in love with this brand. Something that is very special to my heart is for every pair of sunglasses they sell, they then donate a pair to the non-profit organization Eyes on Africa. Eyes on Africa provides a new pair of eyeglasses at no cost to Africans in communities that don’t have access to vision care. When you finally go and buy a pair of these super cute sunnies from DIFF Eyewear, you are giving back as well!

Also the new Bachelorette, Jojo Fletcher, recently came out with a new eyewear line with DIFF Eyewear! Look how fun these sunglasses are. This makes my heart warm knowing that celebrities are not all about themselves. She’s not the only person from the Bachelorette/Bachelor her fiancĂ© Jordan wears them as well! She not only created this super cute line but she also is doing it for a great cause. Don’t worry her fiancĂ© Jordan Rodgers wears them too!

I hope that you can enjoy DIFF Eyewear as much as I have. To check out more celebrities or funny photo's of the eyewear check out their Instagram. It’s the weekend- woo! Get yours Here

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Blogtember Challenge Day 28: Five Memories of 2016

I didn’t know this year would go as fast as it has. I have had so much fun and I know there is a lot more coming my way! That being said here are photos to represent my special days of 2016…





At the beginning of every year Spring Show is under amidst. Junior Woman’s Club puts on a play/musical every year in February/March frame time.


Celebrating our friends marriages and we can’t forget the bachorlette parties! 

Traveling with Ryan :)

My new cousin being born (Sunny Grace) and my other cousin graduating Kindergarten.


Becoming a wish granter for Make-A-Wish Foundation. One of my best friends and I granted our first wish!


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Blogtember Challenge Day 27: Laughing and Crying

Today’s challenge is to discuss something that has made you laugh or cry recently. Let’s be honest though girls cry all the time (haha), but also we love laughing with our best friends. I do cry probably once a week not because I’m sad, but for happiness, something comes on the TV, or something on the radio. I’ve noticed the older I get the more emotional I am. I hope I’m not the only one that feels this way :)

I don’t know about you, but it seems like there are a ton of new shows coming out this fall. YAY! I love watching new shows and these seem to be better than normal. Ryan and I decided to start watching “This Is Us.” Oh my goodness this made me cry like a baby and even laugh so hard I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t really think this would hit both of us like it did. I would say this is a good show to watch together. Sometimes life surprises you which is something that this show has already planted in their viewers minds. If you haven’t watched this I would advise you to do so.

                                                             IT’S YOUR TURN NOW… 
                                WHAT HAS MADE YOU LAUGH OR CRY (BOTH) RECENTLY??

Friday, September 23, 2016

Blogtember Challenge Day 23: Peanut Brittle

Growing up, my mom’s peanut brittle was ALWAYS a “crowd pleaser” – during the Christmas Holidays. Family, family friends, my dad’s customers, neighbors, or anyone who knows about her peanut brittle will be fighting over it. Everyone starts bringing over metal containers starting in October to get their name on the list first! It’s actually very hysterical :)

This peanut brittle isn’t the kind you can buy at Cracker Barrel, it’s made with love every time. My sweet mother works days upon days getting everyone’s order in. My great grandmother handed it down to my grandmother then on a special day that is close to our hearts my mom received the recipe. I can’t wait until it’s passed down to me. I hope you all enjoy this as much as we do as a family! 


1 cup raw peanuts

1 cup sugar

½ cup corn syrup

¼ tsp salt

1 tsp baking soda


In a microwavable bowl add 1 cup of raw peanuts, ½ cup of corn syrup, and 1 cup of sugar. Stir and cook for 2 more minutes. Add ¼ of salt and 1 tsp of baking soda. Stir and pour onto a sheet of greased foul. Let it cook for 30 minutes then break apart.

Let me know if you make this… I would love to know what you think about this compared to the store brands of peanut brittle.


Thursday, September 22, 2016

Blogtember Challenge Day 22: Can’t Live Without Fall

FALL! I know the weather isn’t “fallish” at all, but today is officially the first day of fall. Even though if you live in Texas you know we don’t ever experience the full season of fall. So today’s prompt was well timed for sure. The challenge today is fall favorites – we are to share our must-haves for this season.


Wearing blanket scarfs. Pumpkin Spice Latte’s (basic white girl). 
Booties. White pumpkins and gourds. 
Snuggling up with a book.
Running Weather. Leaves changing colors.
Friendsgiving. Thanksgiving.
The start to Christmas. 
Fall tablescape. My tradition – pumpkin serving bowls.
Fall fashion. Fireplaces. College football.