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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Amazon Prime Father's Day Gift Guide

Ekk, father’s day is on Sunday! I’m finally having some wind down time to put together a gift guide for you guys! Sorry about that, BUT it’s never too late. Here are some favorite last-minute father’s day gifts that you can get on time (yay) through AMAZON PRIME!

 I went through some idea with Ryan last night to pick different gifts, and with a couple of co-workers to put together these gift ideas. 





These ideas are great for all types of dad’s. Happy shopping!

Hope everyone has a great Father’s Day!

Monday, June 5, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend

Sergio Garcia practicing his putting. 

Had to take a picture of this! Go Texan's :) 

Let’s start off with saying that the fact that we all get to have this life enjoying the freedom in our lives is unreal. We should all be forever thankful for those that have paved the way as well as those that are currently paving and protecting our freedoms today!

Traditions are something special to people’s hearts and this past weekend calls for traditions all around. Memorial Day is a time when family and friends get together to remember those who have served our country. Our family has a few sweet traditions that I have loved since they’ve been started. One being spending Friday at the Colonial in Fort Worth with my dad! We’ve done this for years now and it’s something sweet we both enjoy doing (p.s. my mom isn’t into walking around sweating and watching golf - haha)!

This year one of my dad’s best friends since elementary school and his wife joined us. We had a blast! We followed around different golfers, people watched (always looking for cute outfits), and just enjoyed one another’s company. After a full day of walking around not sweating too much we went to my house to meet my mom for dinner.

Since my dad’s friend and his wife don’t get to come up to Fort Worth much we wanted to make sure they had a good meal. We took them to the Original which is a staple in Fort Worth. A little background it’s been around since 1926 and it’s a place where generations have enjoyed bringing their kids. It’s a place where we belong, where we eat because we love it, and we enjoy sharing this tradition that has been handed down to us.

They fell in love! We all left happy and full of the best Mexican food (in my opinion) that you can get in Fort Worth.

Hope you enjoyed your Memorial Day weekend and traditions!